2019 CAISS Summer Symposium

2019 CAISS Summer Symposium

Topic: "Artificial Intelligence" Speaker 1: Yiran Chen,Professor, Duke UniversitySpeaker 2: William Gao,Senior Technical program manager, Argo.aiSpeaker 3: Andy He,GPU Engineering Manager, NVIDIASpeaker 4: Chunsheng Liu, Research Scientist, Alibaba
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CAISS 2019 Spring Symposium

CAISS 2019 Spring Symposium

CAISS 2019 spring symposium has been successfully held on Mar. 2nd, 2019 at Seagate event center. Around 80 storage related scientists, engineers, and professionals from companies like Seagate, WDC, Broadcom, TDK, Avalanche, et al have attended this event. CAISS president, Dr. Ganping Ju, has made a kick-off opening address. He introduced CAISS mission, executive team, and 2019 plan. Two keynotes about “Cloud storage” have been given. Dr. Henry Gai from Honeycomb Data has introduced the storage systems from different perspectives such as consumers, enterprises, systems developers. Cloud storage concept, relation to storage virtualization, major player and future trend have been further discussed.  Dr. Weimin Pan from Inspur has introduced Inspur “Unified” “Hyperscale” software-defined storage and how it addresses unique cloud needs including elasticity, efficiency, scalability, and performance. Dr. Pan also…
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CAISS 2019 President-Elected

CAISS 2019 President-Elected

Dr. Ganping Ju currently is the Managing Technologist (Senior Director) at Fremont Media Research Center, Seagate Technology. His primary focus is to work with the team to develop HAMR technologies and extend Perpendicular Recording. He received his Bachelor's degree from Peking University (1994) and Ph.D from Brown University (1999). He joined Seagate Research Center in Pittsburgh in 1999, has worked as Research Staff Member, Research Manager and Research Director, before moving to Seagate Fremont Media Research Center in 2009. He has been active in the data storage  community, including serving as CAISS BOD from 2010-2011, 2018-present, and Board of Advisers in 2012. He has been active in IEEE Magnetics Society and ASTC industrial consortium.
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Radio Interview of Dr. Steve Hwang

Radio Interview of Dr. Steve Hwang

雲儲存:未來科技和日常都離不開的必需品 各位聽眾大家好,感謝你們對《科技與生活談話節目》的持續關註!本期節目我們的主題是:“雲儲存:未來科技和日常都離不開的必需品”。 無論在現在的日常生活工作還是工業科技生產方面,數據通過我們的手機和電腦產生,也同時為我們的生活提供便利的服務。你可能可以放下手中的電子設備一分鐘、一小時、一天,但你無法切斷你與這個世界千絲萬縷的聯繫,除非你已經下定決心“斷電”,並與世隔絕。 那麼這些數據到底傳去了哪裡?又從何處傳給他人?是誰儲存並保護著你iCloud裏的私密照片?又是誰計算並處理著你想要與他人共享的文檔? 我們本期的嘉賓是全世界最大的老牌電子儲存及硬件公司Seagate(希捷)的研發副總經理:黃國興博士。 黃國興 他自1990起到硅谷居住工作,至今已有26年。 2006年成為希捷在美國唯一華人研發副總經理。目前領導一支400+人的研發團隊,管理年度美金1.2億的研發經費。著有三本關於“領導”、“管理”、“產業創新”的中文書。他還是成大橄欖球隊校友,跑過兩次馬拉松和多次長跑接力,有兩位成年女兒和結婚近30年的太太。 從讀寫數據速度極快的固態硬碟到即時性高效率的雲端儲存,這是儲存科技的發展,其連帶發展的科技產業還有無人車、無人機、AI、大數據等等。按照我們生活和工業生產的需求,不同的儲存技術都發揮著各自的優勢性能。 那所謂的“雲端”是否真的無處不在?在訪談中,黃博士會揭開這個數據中心的神秘面紗。 本期節目中,你將了解: 資料儲存如何影響到每個人的生活? 資料儲存的方式; 未来资料储存的趋势; 黃博士從留學生到掌管億元項目的領導者的心路歷程 等等... 希瑪拉雅廣播電臺 https://www.ximalaya.com/keji/5915629/ 蜻蜓FM廣播電台 http://m.qingting.fm/vchannels/184224 關註《科技與生活》  科技與生活節目已開通 微信公眾號 (請搜索並關註“科技与生活谈话节目”或掃描下圖二維碼)、本地金華之聲頻道,、broadcast+新媒體多渠道讓知識傳播惠。上面有許多有関作者訊息及文章。請轉告您的朋友及家人共同分享個可貴的資訊扫描。 也可通過 註冊郵箱 地址訂閱我們每周的節目訊息,提前知曉嘉賓信息和本期主題哦! 微信掃描二維碼 關註節目公眾號 即時收聽我們的節目
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CAISS 2018 Summer Symposium is coming !

CAISS 2018 Summer Symposium is coming !

Topic: Storage’s Today and Tomorrow Saturday, June 23, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (PDT) Seagate Technology, 47488 Kato Road, CA 94538 Co-sponsor: IEEE Magnetic Society Please complete the free registeration on Eventbrite before go to this event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caiss-summer-symposium-storages-today-and-tomorrow-tickets-46889587017 With the big data and cloud development, the storage is getting more and more important.  In the meantime, China's storage system market is growing at a faster pace than the global market. It is becoming a real exciting time for our CAISS due to these two factors. In this upcoming Summer Symposium on June 23rd, we have put together two sessions for our members; the subject is "Storage Technology and China GTM" It is our privilege to have Allen Liu, and Michael Zhu to present. Allen Liu,  with 20+ years…
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鉴于产业的广阔市场前景,以及柯桥的优厚纺织产业基础,我们将携手众多国内外物联网行业领军人物及中美知名投资机构,于2018年6月下旬聚焦中国柯桥,联合举办“全球智能化发展暨物联网高峰论坛”, 以“高峰论坛+展览展示+投资洽谈”为形式,就行业热点和焦点问题展开深入交流,共同对我国及柯桥智能制造及物联网产业发展策略建言献策,共商合作发展大计。 (more…)
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New Opportunities: Yangcheng – Silicon Valley Night

New Opportunities: Yangcheng – Silicon Valley Night

New Opportunities: Yangcheng - Silicon Valley Night, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou City, China. U.S. Technology & Finance Investment Promotion Conference. 阳澄硅谷之夜,中国苏州 相城,美国科技金融投资推介会。 华美信息存储协会(CAISS)协办 欢迎广大会员及科技精英踊跃报名参加。报名请发邮件至elaine.wang@caiss.org
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